Friday, January 17, 2014


First Assignment:  Cancer Webquest
Here is the link for the Understanding Cancer
Title a blank page in your notebook:  "Understanding Cancer" and answer the questions from the handout in your notebook.
Here is the Handout

Second Assignment:  Cancer PowerPoint
Causes of Cancer and How to Prevent Cancer
Open the PowerPoint, title a blank page in your notebook:  "Causes of Cancer and How to Prevent Cancer."
1. What are the two largest cancer threats to men?
2. What are the two largest cancer threats to women?
3. Draw a pie chart that shows the percentage of cancers that are inherited.
4. List and describe the 5 main causes of cancer.
5. List and describe the 10 ways you can lower your chances of getting cancer.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Holidays!

I want to wish you all a very restful break and a happy new year! The new year will bring a fresh start for all of us, including a new semester. I am grateful to have each of you in my Biology class. See you in 2014!